Property’s popularity is perpetual. And for some damn fine reasons! Well, nearly perpetual – there are times investors rightly shy away. Like all asset classes where bubbles can develop, there … Read More Property investment has always been popular in Australia but is it the best place to put your cash now?
Category Archives: Herald Sun
Debt can be a huge burden so how do you survive bad debts and even bankruptcy?
I don’t believe in bad debt. I believe in the “DOG” of debt. There’s “dumb”, “okay” and “great” debt. People use dumb debt to buy the stuff that doesn’t make … Read More Debt can be a huge burden so how do you survive bad debts and even bankruptcy?
Motivation is often lacking when it comes to managing money. What motivates you the most?
EXCUSE me!? Please issue a warning before asking questions like that. I’m choking on my Sunday roast as I write this! Motivation? Lacking? Seriously? Who’s having that problem? Something to … Read More Motivation is often lacking when it comes to managing money. What motivates you the most?
The Easter break is great fun but also provides a little time to review money matters. What should you be doing?
AAAWW, come on! It’s Easter! Seriously? It’s a long weekend for chillaxing with the family. A long weekend for letting go. A long weekend to celebrate carbs in all their … Read More The Easter break is great fun but also provides a little time to review money matters. What should you be doing?
What are three good places to stash any surplus cash you may be lucky to receive?
“LUCKY to receive?” Whaaaat? Outside of the track, lotto, scratchies and an inheritance, there’s usually no luck involved in having “surplus” money! Savings are usually the result of considerable work … Read More What are three good places to stash any surplus cash you may be lucky to receive?
Education is not always one-way traffic from parent to child. What can kids teach their parents about money?
Nothing, apparently. Not my kids. No way. And even if they could, it would, at best, only be the bad habits learned from watching Mrs DebtMan burning the plastic fantastic … Read More Education is not always one-way traffic from parent to child. What can kids teach their parents about money?
Wasting money can be worse than failing to save any. What three things have you regretted wasting money on?
I’d like to think I haven’t wasted too much money in my life. So I asked some mates. Fox: “Two guppies that lasted three days”. Voodoo: “Cars”. Risky: “Ex-wife. First … Read More Wasting money can be worse than failing to save any. What three things have you regretted wasting money on?
Private health insurance premiums are on the rise so how do you make sure you’re not paying too much?
They say bad luck comes in threes. But when it comes to your health, a single event can be devastating. I’ve seen incredibly fit people get knocked for six health … Read More Private health insurance premiums are on the rise so how do you make sure you’re not paying too much?
How often should you think about changing the investments you hold in superannuation?
Aaah! My financial regret. Not being aggressive enough, early enough, with my super. I sat in a “balanced” fund through my 20s. Foolish. What a twit. Has already cost my … Read More How often should you think about changing the investments you hold in superannuation?
Mortgage rates remain at historical lows. How you can make the most of them?
Don’t cheer too hard. Leave the champagne on ice. Suck up to the boss. Batten down hatches. Interest rate cuts, sure, are like a pay rise. Sort of. Sadly, they … Read More Mortgage rates remain at historical lows. How you can make the most of them?