“We all have different comfort zones when it comes to investing. How do I work out mine?”

Look at me. Clearly, I’m neither Dr McDreamy, nor Dr McSteamy. But I do know your body is a tremendous indicator of stress. If we listen, it tells us things.

Making money feels good, so few will feel queasy when markets are running hot. The following are warning signs for when markets are crapping out. Take note.

The “pooped-your-pants” reaction. Involuntarily soiled undies are embarrassing and a definite sign of heightened stress. Put on one of the kids’ nappies before watching the evening business news. Or read the morning business section on the throne. Reduce your shares exposure. Lighten up on your gearing.

Vomiting. If you’re constantly watching your portfolio via an iPhone app and immediately find yourself driving the porcelain bus, you’re gambling with money you can’t afford to lose.

The “I-think-my-ticker-just-stopped” indicator. Mmmm, could be too late. Check your pulse first, then your life and trauma insurance policies.

Crying “I-want-my-mummy”. Regression. Mum can’t bail you out now. Toughen up princess!

Gen Xers should be at the point in their life when they could take a few investment risks. But how much?

You can do a quick risk profile at www.debtman.com.au (top right). That’s a starting point for the sort of mix of investments that will help you pass the much softer “sleep at night” test of Aunty Kerrin (right).

If you don’t know where to start – and where to start is not with a hot tip from a mate – see a licensed financial adviser, who will be able to help you with understanding the risks involved in various investments classes.

Bruce Brammall is the author of Debt Man Walking (www.debtman.com.au) and principal adviser with Castellan Financial Consulting.

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