New financial scams are being developed at a disturbing rate. What are the most dangerous scams for your generation?

Seriously? Trick question, right?

There is only one “scam” almost universally common to Gen Xers. The most disturbing of them all.

Tin lids!

Kids don’t just vacuum your wallet empty every month for 20-odd years. Simultaneously, they suck up all your time, your love, your patience, your sanity, your sleep …

And, damnit, your FORTIES!

Do they give back? Sure. They smile at you … then puke on your suit (dry-cleaning). They draw for you … on your suede couch ($200 stain removal). They play hide and seek … with the TV remote (grrr!).

“How are kids a scam?” I hear you ask. Because we are convinced, coerced and cajoled into procreation by those we trust the most – our parents.

They say: “Kids are awesome”, “kids complete you”, “kids give you perspective”. Any mention of the million bucks it takes to raise the little buggers? Nuh-huh!

Those generations (to the right) do so for three, completely selfish, reasons. 1. Grandchildren. 2. Revenge. 3. For their amusement. 4. To make us suffer too. Okay, four.

There’s plenty of “Danger Will Robinson!” warnings about cigarettes, binge drinking and gambling. But kids are the most dangerous financial scam around. Why isn’t ASIC doing anything about it?

Possibly because my DebtBoy and my DebtGirl are “awesome”. And they “complete me”. And they give me “perspective”. And who cares about the money?

For scams less damaging to your finances than children, read my colleagues. Delete all dodgy emails promising free riches. I get 10 a week. If I received all the money I’m “owed”, I’d be richer than Bill Gates.

Bruce Brammall is the author of Debt Man Walking ( and principal adviser with Castellan Financial Consulting.

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