What is an inexpensive way to say “I love you” on Valentine’s Day without looking like a cheapskate?

Go to video store (do they still exist?). Rent Top Gun. Fast forward to bar scene. Practice You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feeling by Maverick. Corny … absolutely. But if your babe doesn’t fall for that, they’re just hardass!

If you can’t sing (like moi) a cheapskate might consider theft. Flowers. But be careful, serious gardeners pack weapons and sit on their front porch in a rocking chair from midday onwards on Valentine’s Day.

Girls, you know us guys are simple creatures. We usually don’t know what we want … until you tell us. Pick anything from that short list and wrap it up.

Boys, the pressure’s on us. Not only do we rarely know what we want, but we never have a clue what it is that they want.

Get off your bum and do some chores. Nothing says “I love you” more than not having to wash your stinking socks and jocks for a week. Do all the household washing while you’re there. Put the commitment in writing so you can’t back out. Or so she can sue you for breach of contract.

And make them cry with a card. One thing boys do know is that girls love a good sook. An emotional card that spells out “why I dig my chick” will usually get the desired response (exercising of tear ducts) and earn brownie points.

But, really, it’s time with your partner that counts. Dinner doesn’t even have to be expensive. For Gen Xers, it just needs to be together, without the kids (which might cost you a sitter).

Bruce Brammall is the author of Debt Man Walking (www.debtman.com.au) and principal adviser with Castellan Financial Consulting.