Once upon a time, in the early 70s, there was an evil scientist named Walter Mischel. (Evil might be a bit harsh, but the best stories have evil scientists.) Wally … Read More What is the most inspiring piece of financial advice you’ve heard. Who gave it, and how did it help you?
Category Archives: Your Money Gen X
Winning lotto is unlikely but we can always dream. What should you do with a $1 million windfall?
Say to yourself: “Cool! One million down, one million to go”. On its own, it’s not retirement material for a Gen Xer. Or, at least it shouldn’t be. A million … Read More Winning lotto is unlikely but we can always dream. What should you do with a $1 million windfall?
Winning lotto is unlikely but we can always dream. What should you do with a $1 million windfall?
Say to yourself: “Cool! One million down, one million to go”. On its own, it’s not retirement material for a Gen Xer. Or, at least it shouldn’t be. A million … Read More Winning lotto is unlikely but we can always dream. What should you do with a $1 million windfall?
Should people hand back money they are wrongly given, and in your experience, do they?
Damnit. I know every time I answer one of these, my chances at wearing a halo get slimmer. My first money lesson was: “Find a penny, pick it up, then … Read More Should people hand back money they are wrongly given, and in your experience, do they?
How do you work out how much money you’ll need in retirement, and how do you plan for it?
“Price check, aisle four! Price on a medium-sized tropical island, 50-room palace, 100 staff, world-class golf course, an endless supply of Bollinger and Bintang, an airstrip and a dozen watercraft? … Read More How do you work out how much money you’ll need in retirement, and how do you plan for it?
Fixed versus variable mortgage rates: how do you work out which one you should choose?
“I know what you’re thinking. Did he fire six shots, or only five … you’ve got to ask yourself one question: ‘Do you feel lucky?’ Well, do ya punk?” Thank … Read More Fixed versus variable mortgage rates: how do you work out which one you should choose?
Debt Man Investment Newsletter #46
Download Debt Man #46 Aug 2012 here
What are three key questions you should ask yourself before taking on any new debt?
Unfair! The question seems to presuppose that debt is bad. Sure, some of it is pretty nasty. But not all debt. Oh, no-sir-eee. Some debt is actually okay. For example, … Read More What are three key questions you should ask yourself before taking on any new debt?
Superannuation statements will soon start arriving in letterboxes. What things should you look for in them?
As inscribed on the cover of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, “DON’T PANIC!” I know superannuation seems a bit scary, perhaps pointless. But it’s compulsory and you’ll notice it’s … Read More Superannuation statements will soon start arriving in letterboxes. What things should you look for in them?
What are the best ways to handle a financial argument between family members?
Families are “unique” little units, aren’t they? Sometimes it’s all love (like The Flintstones and The Brady Bunch) and sometimes it’s all manipulation and scheming (like Dynasty and Dallas). Some … Read More What are the best ways to handle a financial argument between family members?